Committed to our communities
At Citizens State Bank, we pride ourselves on our commitment to the communities in which we live, work, and serve.
Below you will find each of the components of Citizens State Bank’s Community Reinvestment Act Public File available for your review.
Community Reinvestment Act
CRA Public File
CRA Performance Evaluation
List of Services
CRA Branch Listing
Assessment of Area Maps
Opened and Closed Branches
Branches Opened in the past 2 years:
Recent Acquisitions:
LeRoy (10/2010)
Emporia (6/2012)
Cottonwood Falls (8/2012)
Olpe (11/2021)
Branches Closed in the past 2 years:
Loan to Deposit Ratio
56.37% as of 12/31/2023
CRA Disclosures
The Citizens State Bank, KS CRA Disclosure Statements may be obtained on the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council's website at www.ffiec.gov/cra.
HMDA Disclosures
The Citizens State Bank, KS HMDA Disclosure Statements may be obtained on the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council's website at www.consumerfinance.gov/hmda.